H A P P P Y 4 ♡


Time passes quickly but is to be enjoyed! For the past 4 years, we have been enjoying it with yous. There were joys, moments of doubt, highlights, incredible encounters and many surprises. 


birthday candle suzanne ceremony


It is with great joy that we celebrate our wax wedding anniversary with you, yes, you, because you are more and more numerous since the beginning of this adventure to follow us and support us. 

Every day you have allowed Suzanne Ceremony to grow. This year again was the beautiful testimony of our respective commitment.

We want to make women even more beautiful for their beautiful day but also make them more beautiful in everyday life, just like You.




We love these wax weddings and for the occasion, we created a handcrafted candle in Suzanne Ceremony's colours in collaboration with MerciCoco with the sweet scent of orange blossom. An olfactory journey that takes us to Marrakech for a nod to one of the highlights of the year: the #MOM retreat organized by the beautiful and talented Clementine Marchal.

This year again we have learned a lot about ourselves, about others and one thing is for sure: Dare. Dream on. Share it! Share it! 

Happy 4!


P.s: Our pretty candle with Anna Ferrier's exclusive illustration for S U Z A N N N E Ceremony is on sale on thee-shop at the price of 12€ including tax (limited stock) and 4 of them are to be won on our account Instagram @suzanneceremony from 5 to 9 Nov.

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