Pink October : How about Cancer and Sexuality?

Because October has been National Breast Cancer Awareness Month since 1985, and because as women of all ages it is very important for us to be aware of breast cancer screening, we wanted to talk freely about prevention, disease and sexuality, especially when, as women, we lose our sexuality.he ultimate symbols of femininity, our breasts, attributes of sexual pleasure, motherhood and femininity. 

Celebrated by artists for centuries, breasts are the object of many fantasies, both female and male, we must take care of them!


Breast Cancer Pink October

Here are a few tips to take care of your breasts as you would take care of your skin:

- Once a week, exfoliate your bust with a gentle body scrub.

- Apply a moisturizing mask to your décolleté once a week and regularly finish your shower with cold water, which is very effective in tightening the tissues and very beneficial for blood circulation.

- Weekly practice a sport activity and target the large pectoral muscle for a firm chest. Our favourite sport for building muscle gently and deeply: Pilates. 

During these care rituals, remember to massage and palpate your breasts to detect a possible lump that could be one of the first signs of breast cancer. Self-palpation is part of the first screening and a good gynecological follow-up, along with, of course, the mammograms regular (every two years) from the age of 50. 

Taking care of your breasts, self-diagnosis, the little things that are important...Our breasts are our symbol of absolute femininity, when the diagnosis comes, we have to face this reality, fight and believe in our femininity...but how?

  To answer our questions, we met with Dr Vieillot Sabine, cancerologist-radiotherapist, she gives us her advice to regain self-confidence.

Surgery has become a standard among cancer treatments, followed by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy depending on the stage of the disease. It can be experienced as a mutilation and chemotherapy, along with fatigue, leads to a loss of libido, alopecia (accelerated hair loss), and can induce depression, a body image or gender identity disorder (no longer feeling like a woman). 

How to accompany the woman psychologically?

After a surgery, every woman faces a body image disorder, mutilated breast, ablated, to avoid this disorder, it is very important to consider supportive care to get closer to an onco-sexologist to regain self-confidence and relearn desire. Sophrologists and psychotherapists are also the right people to learn how to calm down and love oneself again in one's own body. They will be just as important as the socio-aesthetician who will be there to accompany you in your care and your make-up during the chemotherapy period which will allow you to find peace with your body.

 Being well surrounded, talking, confiding in the right people will help you to keep hope and living is a struggle. Regaining self-confidence is essential, especially for your life as a couple. To go further on the subject, we suggest you read Sébastien Landry, Cancer and Sexuality with a preface by Prof. Jacqueline Godet, president of the league against cancer.


 Cover Photo @LaetitaDalbies

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