Take care of your hair.
Which of us has never observed a hair loss or a certain fragility of his hair mass at the time of the change of season?
Back to school period, stress, fatigue, as long as you are in the postpartum period, the situation is clear: we are losing more hair than usual...
Because the beauty of hair, just like that of the skin, is synonymous with a beautiful lifestyle, we wanted to share with you our little favourites that can help you maintain our precious hair.....

Photo Credits @MissCavallier
Step 1: Brush your hair morning and evening, preferably with a brush topped with boar silk bristles, as they provide a lot of well-being for the hair and will allow you to massage the scalp.
Step 2: the treatment protocol with an ideal cure of essence of care to provide all the necessary nutrients to the hair that you can use both in daily application and in cure.
Step 3: Moisturize your hair with the essential Leonor Greyl Oil to apply to your hair and scalp before shampooing or as a preventive measure to protect and nourish your hair ( For those who will have time to spend 3 hours at the hairdresser's, we recommend a Keratin treatment that will bring your hair to life for about 6 months...)
Go a little effort, if you set up a protocol for the maintenance of your hair, we promise you a hair worthy of Raiponce sublimated by the most beautiful head accessories.